Thursday, January 30, 2014

New year, new challenge.

Here we are, a new year. A time to start anew. What are something you wanted to start this year? Exercise? Maybe become more organized? Start cooking healthier? Find ways to save money? Reading through the Bible is a year?   I had plans to get back into running.( Yes...I said had. I am battling severe bronchitis at the moment).We all have plans, dreams and goals for this year don't we?

While we think about all that we want to accomplish, let me throw a challenge your way. 12 books in 12 months. One book a month.  The goal of this is to get you reading and growing in your faith in the Lord. You can pick any books, but they need to have a Biblical base. Maybe you want to learn about how to be a godly wife and /or mother. Maybe you want to know about what being a godly women looks like, or you want to learn about prayer. Maybe you want to read biographies of those who have gone before you in the faith? Or you just want to learn about God and what He is like. I just finished " The Attributes of God" by A.W. Pink and am now reading " Idols of the heart; Learning to long for God alone" by Elyse Fitzpatrick. I want to encourage you to take a few days and think about you would want to learn about this year. If you would like a list to get you thinking, check out the challenge on our Women's Ministry page.  There's also a link to give you some different options of Bible reading plans.  Be encouraged, this is a new year. Let's use this year to learn and grow.