Thursday, April 17, 2014

Encouraging each other through our faith.

A friend and I are studying the book of Romans together. During our time last week,  we read Romans 1 vs. 11-12. It says, " ...impart some spiritual gift to strengthen you- that is that we may be mutually encouraged by each others faith, both your and mine".  What a wonderful gift! The gift of two believers being strengthened in the sharing of their faith.
Have you ever met with somebody and walked away feeling refreshed, happy and..well...encouraged? Or have you ever chatted with someone who has been in the same valley you have or experienced the same trials and left thinking " Someone gets it! I'm not alone.". This is what I believe this verse means.  Your faith has been strengthened. You have been encouraged. This is a gift that we get to experience when we "do life" together. We aren't meant to be alone. We get to " weep with those who weep and rejoice with those who rejoice" Rm 12:14-16. I know it can be hard to reach out and ask for help. Or call someone to just talk. We think " I don't want to be a bother.". But in those times that you did reach out, didn't you feel lighter? I sure have. I've even felt hope in situations were I thought there was none. My faith had been strengthened.

Another way to strengthen your faith with someone, is sharing praises and things your thankful for. When you tell others what the Lord has done in your life, or how you see Him moving, or what you learned about Him in the Word, you are strengthening your faith. Maybe the person you were talking to has been pretty low and the Lord was using you to be a " breath of fresh air" to their poor spirit. Their faith was being strengthened!
When you share with someone the things you are thankful for, it opens your eyes to the many blessings the Lord has given to you and in turn, it breeds more and more thankfulness. Again, your faith is being strengthened.

I want to encourage you today to strengthen your faith. Take a moment to think of someone you can chat with this week. Send them a text or email or an ol' fashion phone call. :)  Give them a word of encouragement or share a Bible verse that has ministered to you. You will bring refreshment and encouragement to someone as well as yourself. May you your faith be strengthened and encouraged today!