Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Redeeming " those days".

"Those days". We all have them and we all dislike them. I am having one today. I have not been a very good mother. I have been too grumpy and too irritable. All I kept thinking was " Lord, can we skip to tomorrow?'.  Of course, the answer is no.  I was trying to keep it together, but Mount Mama kept erupting. I finally got everyone down for naps, I grabbed my Bible and sat down on the couch. I had no idea what to pray. I didn't even feel like praying. I was just in a bad mood. You know those moods, don't you?  Then I just started to crying out to God for forgiveness. Forgiveness for all that I did and said to the children this morning. Forgiveness for not wanting to pray to Him. Praying for Him to come and help move me out of the pit that I put myself in. I opened to Psalm 51:10 and read " create in me a clean heart O God, and renew a right spirit within me". I used that as my prayer. I really did need a heart and spirit change. I don't feel " all better", but I don't feel as bad as I did before. I know I am forgiven and I know the Lord is my "very present help in trouble" Ps. 46 :1.  Now when those little ones wake up, I need to walk in faith that He will help me love them and care for them the right way. I will take many deep breathes and remind myself that they are a gift from the Lord. They are blessings. They are precious and unique. I will touch, hug, and kiss them more.  I will also pray this verse as I go. I want to get to the end of this day with out regret. I want them to go to bed knowing they are loved. With the Lord's help, I can. On my own, I can't.

Are you having one of "those days" today. Be encouraged. We don't have to stay there. I know it feels like you can't get out of that icky pit.  On your own, in your own strength, you can't. Cry out to the Lord for His mercy. Use Psalm 51 :10 as your prayer today. Confess your sin and ask Him to forgive you. Then get up and walk in His  forgiveness and strength. You too can finish out this day well. Your not alone on this journey of motherhood.
Be blessed.