Thursday, December 19, 2013

Don't forget what it's all about..

We're almost through the Christmas season. Can you believe it! I tell ya, it went fast. I think I finished ALL my shopping today..hooray!

 With all that has been going on, David's heart surgery, recovery, figuring out what to get everyone, then shopping, Christmas has been very exciting to me. The chaos, the stress, it can all be too much at times. I needed a reminder of what this season is all about.

We had our Christmas cookie gathering at church last Saturday. There were many new faces and LOTS of yummy treats to eat. We sat around and shared favorite Christmas meals, movies and memories. There was lots of laughter and smiles. We were also blessed to hear from two lovely ladies. I was touched to hear one share about the true meaning of Christmas. She said that sometimes in the hustle and bustle of the season she sometimes forgets. Listening to her share helped me to remember what the holiday is all about and after she spoke, I shared a few words. I  reminded the ladies ( and myself) that this season is about Jesus. It's about His birth. If he hadn't come, we wouldn't have eternal life. If He hadn't emptied Himself with love for us, come down as a lowly babe in a manger, we wouldn't be able to be with His for all eternally. Yes, the presents are nice. Yes, family is nice, but let"s not forget Who this Christmas is all about.

While you finish up your shopping, getting those last stocking stuffer, take a few minutes to say thank you. Stop, take a deep breath and tell Jesus thank you for being born this day. For with Him....we would be lost.

We've been found
A child is born
To save us now
Hallelujah light has come
A Savior who will set us free
A Promise for those who believe"

" He has come for us
  This Jesus
  He's the hope
  For all mankind
  He has come for us
  The Messiah
  Born to give us life"

   Be blessed...

Thursday, December 12, 2013

What a journey...

Boy, a lot has happened since the last time I was here. We had our sixth baby, David Joseph Gold, the beginning of July. We were super thrilled, but with in a few hours found out David had some heart issues. We were referred to a Pediatric Cardiologist which we saw when he was seven days old. What we found out was, he had two holes in his heart, one small and the other very large. Both were in places that wouldn't be able to heal on their own and it was likely he would have surgery to repair them. I walked out of the doctor bewildered. From them on, it was one thing after another. Weight checks every two weeks, constantly watching for signs of distress, struggling with his lack of weight gain and many other things. When he was 5 weeks old, he got hit with a terrible bout  of pneumonia. He as in the hospital for 8 days!! He was very sick with a high fever. We also found he had an infection in his blood stream, plus a viral infection. With all this going on, his heart was working way to hard and beating way to fast. Once he was stable, they discovered his heart had enlarged due to it working so hard, and was put on heart medicine.

 At the end of August, at one of his cardiologist appointments we found that, due to the heart working so hard, his aortic valve started to leak. This was VERY BAD. Surgery was inevitable. On November 4th, David went in for open heart surgery. He was 4 months. It was the hardest, most awful thing I have ever had to do as a parent. After the surgery was done, the doctor came out and told me that they found two more holes and another valve problem. It was a grand total of four holes and two valve problems!! One they patched, two they stitched, one they believed would heal on it's own, one valve had weakened and stretched from the heart working so hard that they tightened it. The aortic valve was actually not torn, but stretched and with the repair of the large hole, should go back to functioning as normal in time. All good news!!
After a few days, David was able to come home. We are still in the recovery phase...doctors say it'll take 6-8 weeks. But he is doing very well. It has been quite a journey for us. A real trial. If this was they only situation we had to deal with, it would have been enough, but we have had some MAJOR stresses going one at the same time. I won't go into all of them, but one thing we had to do was put the boys in school. Due to all the stress and trial, we had to make the hard decision to enroll them for the remained of the year. They are attending a small private school , and I'm very thankful for that option. It's a bit weird for me. One very good thing is that I will have time to spend with my four younger children. They have been very neglected by me with all the other stuff going on. I am really looking forward to spending this time with them.

When we first got the news of how bad his heart was, I started asking the Lord why. " Why did you do this Lord? I don't understand.". I remembered  Psalm 139. I like to call that the baby Psalm. I went to it and read ..
" For YOU FORMED my inward parts, you KNITTED ME TOGETHER in my mothers womb. I praise you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. "  vs. 13-14

" My frame was not hidden from you when I was being made in secret, INTRICATELY WOVEN in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed substance. In your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there were none of them" vs. 15-16

The whole Psalm is great, but these verses stood out. It reminded me that, for whatever reason, God made David's heart exactly how He wanted it. Holes and all. He was forming David in my womb and made his heart. His hands were creating him, delicately, precisely, and exactly the way he was suppose to be. I don't understand why, but I know that it wasn't by mistake.  There's a reason. This gave me some peace. To know that David's heart didn't happen outside of God's control was a comfort. To know that God wasn't looking the other way  or standing on the side lines just watching things happen with no way to stop it. He did this.When I wasn't feeling this to be true, I had to remind myself that God can't lie and therefore if He can't lie, then what He said has to be true. Whether I feel it or not. If God wrote that He made David, then I needed to believe that. Holes and all. Most days this was very hard,  I had to pound into my brain over and over. Even though it went against everything I was feeling, seeing and thinking, I'm glad I "preached" these Truths to myself.

I look forward to getting back to "normal". I am thankful to be through this tunnel ( so far) and that we get to go into the Christmas season with a healthy, happy little man.

Be blessed this day my friends.

Friday, May 31, 2013

Summer time and LOTS of it!

Summer is here. It's about time right? :) With the winter we had this year, a lot if us thought summer would never come. It's nice to open those windows are air out the house. The kids have time to run and get some much need energy out. It's a time of gardens, grilling and fun.

For a lot of us moms, summer time is also a time of having the kiddos home ( if you send them to school or even if you home school but take the summer off). It's a change of routine for everyone involved. How can we as moms prepare for this transition? I wrote about this briefly for my article in our ladies newsletter at church, but I wanted to expand it more here. Some of these ideas are things I actually do and some are from other moms. I hope this helps you in making this summer a wonderful one.

 Many years ago a wonderful older friend told me that every morning I need to wake up with a plan. She said " You need to take control of the day so the day doesn't take control of you!". Timely and very good words. At the time, I NEEDED to learn that. I am so thankful for the beautiful, loving spiritual mothers the Lord has blessed me with from time to time. So what does that look like? For summer, it doesn't have to be a huge planning. You don't need to jam pack your days.  Just think of something you would like to do or have the kids do through out the day then rotate through them. Playing outside for a few hours, coloring, making cookies, going for a walk, going to the library, read together,  have a Bible time. The list can be endless. Maybe you want to work lightly on a few school subjects, like reading, math or writing.This will keep them in practice and busy for a time.  When I plan my summers, I usually pick a few things to do each and everyday then try and stick to it . It makes the days move and there's no " What do we do now?' or " What do I do with all these children?".

It's a great time to teach your children about the Lord through creation. Point out some flowers and share with them how each one is different and how amazing God is in His wisdom to create such a thing. Or highlight how the beauty of a flower's scent and color is made by a Master Artist. Then tell them about Him. Use butterflies, grasshoppers, worms, what ever happens to be by you to show them how each one is unique in design and purpose. Or how God placed "instincts" into the birds to guide them in  their migration routes. Summer really is a wonderful time to teach the children about Him in ways that you can't during the winter.

The last thing I want to share with you is to not lose this time. Our children are not going to be this age for too much longer. A friend once said to me " They will never be this age again, tomorrow they will be a day older". Enjoy this time with them. I know there are days that are hard and weary. I know children can be challenging at times, but they won't be like this forever. Even in a month, they will be different. My hope is that you use this summer to enjoy them. Kiss, hug and love them everyday! Fill up their "love banks" with generous deposits of words and actions. It will fill up yours too. Spend time with them. Tell them everyday that you love them. Tell how how much they mean to you and what a blessing they are from the Lord. Share with them some positive things you see in them. I will say, "Nathan, I just love the way you ________," or, "I am so happy the Lord gave you to me because _____________". You will not regret doing any of these things. You will bond with them and they with you. That is a beautiful thing. It will give you a chance to build into their lives. Your job mothers is to love your children this summer. That's it. That's the goal. Do that and you will come to fall with a very full heart.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Hope in the hard times

I received an encouraging text from a friend the other day. In it she simply stated that she's glad God sees all and knows what we are going through. Life has been dealing her a pretty rough hand in the past few months, so I was encouraged to hear that she was trying to lean on God for strength.

I understand what that's like. When life has gotten so hard that you feel beaten down, flat and dry. Discouragement seeps in. Maybe your going through a time that seems dark and you are wondering: "where is God?" Does He see me? Does He even know what I'm going through? Is life so boggling that you can't make sense of it or even who God is? Has your mind gone blank on Scripture? Been there! Let me share a few thoughts and promises to cling to when the storms of life blow in.

First, it's really important to know what you believe about who God is BEFORE the trials come. Being in a hurricane is not the time to decide what you believe. You can barely keep your head above water, let alone make major decisions about your theology. It's when life seems "smooth" that you need to study the Scriptures, see what they say about God, and choose to embrace their truths and promises about our Heavenly Father.

Second, God does see. He sees everything and everybody, all the time. Darkness is light to Him - the darkness of the night and the darkness of our storms. He sees the hidden things. Nothing escapes Him. His eyes never sleep. Don't fear that He can't see you or see what your going through. He does.

Third, God knows. He knows everything your going through. He knows what your heart is feeling. He knows when you rise up and when you lie down. He knows all your ways. He knows your thoughts before you do. (Psalm 13:2-3) He sees and knows all your tears. He counts them and keeps them in a bottle (Psalm 56:8).   He knows the very hairs on your head (Matthew 10:30). You don't need to wonder if He is aware of your struggles, He knows.

You can rest assured that you are not alone. Even when you feel alone. When Satan tempts you to despair with doubts of God such as: "You are forgotten", "He doesn't see you", or " You are alone," hold on to these Truths. These are promises God made about Himself and He can not lie. If you are struggling with believing these, pray and tell Him. Tell Him that you are doubting and that you are sorry for doubting. Ask Him to help you to believe what He is saying about Himself. Then, "preach" these Truths to yourself. Whenever a doubt comes in say " No! I believe...." or" I believe the Bible says...".

Life can be hard, dark and even vicious at times. We need to be able to combat it in return. It's not easy. Paul calls it a "fight" (1 Timothy 6:12) for a reason, and fights are not easy. Sometimes it can seem like darkness is winning. Or that evil has won. It's in those times we need to remember what Jesus said " I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart, I have overcome the world" ( John 16:33). 
Take heart my dear sisters. 

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Welcome! I did it. I started a blog. For those that know me, know this is a HUGE step for me with technology. Computers and I don't get along. :) I am still trying to figure this thanks for your patience.

I have a few reasons why I wanted to start this blog. One,  is to encourage and strengthen women in their faith as well as in their Biblical foundations and understandings. Lately, I had wanting to know Truth. What is it? Really. I was getting worn down and tired of all my misperception about God, lies I was believing, and frankly some major doubts. It got to be too much. One day I decided I had had enough. I thought, "well, if I want to know only Truth then there was only one place to go. The Bible". If the Bible is the Word of God and God can't lie, then the Bible is nothing but Truth. Now don't get me wrong, this isn't the first time I had ever read the Bible. On the contrary, I have been reading it for years. I have been a christian for years. Life on the other hand was handing out some very harsh trials. The past year and a half especially. I'll give you a brief idea...both my parents died, we moved, I struggled with a very deep/dark depression, my youngest was battling a 5 month long ear infection, I was dealing with many physical issues, we found out we were pregnant with baby number 6 and  we had many other trials happen in between these. I was being squeezed. It was bringing out some things I was believing about God and His Word that were not right. Just plain Unbiblical. This is what birthed in me the desire to only know Truth. So I picked up the Bible and any prayed ( and still do pray) two things.. 1). God please show me what is Truth and only Truth. Please give me the ability to believe this Truth regardless of how I feel about it, and 2). Please show me the Real You. Who you REALLY are. What I've been seeing and learning is a lot different then some of the things I have been believing.
I want to encourage us women in what is Truth. I want us to be women of knowledge and faith. To not be tossed to and fro by the waves ( Esp 4;14). I want us to be able to stand against the schemes of the devil ( Esp 6 ;11) armed with the sword of the Word (Truth) ( Esp 6;17). To know the Truth so it"ll set us free ( John 8;31). To grow in true understanding of who God really is.

Second, is to encourage and celebrate us as women, wives, and mothers. I want to laugh, and share life together. Share struggles and frustrations.  Life throws lots of curve balls at us and it's really nice to know your not alone in those times.

I want to be a light shining in the darkness. A sign pointing in the right direction for us. I hope you will join  me on this journey. I haven't "made it" or reached a higher spiritual level.  I am like you, a fellow pilgrim. A sojourner.
I pray you will be blessed.
Blessings and joy..Janice