Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Free to be you!

Did you know that you are free to be yourself? I know that it can be hard when you see so many " perfect people" out there. I have had a tendency to struggle with jealousy and coveting when it comes to certain people. I see certain people who SEEM to have it all. The perfect family. Perfect relationship with their husband. Perfect children, house, homeschooling environment.  They have a perfect ministry. Perfect attitude and always look at the good. They seem overly blessed. So I sigh and think, " boy, I wish I could have that life.". I start to get sour about my life, then I get ungrateful. I grumble in my heart and start feeling terrible about myself. I say things like, " I am a lousy mom compared to so and so." Or, "Why can't my house look like so and so."   It only snow balls from there and down down down I go in thought. The saying is true, " Comparison is the thief of joy".
During one of my ruts, I came across a wonderful little devotional that really spoke to my heart. It was titled "Free to be you!". I wish I could share the whole thing here, but I will highlight some things that really helped me. She started. " How amazing that God individually fashions each new inhabitant of the earth, There is not one who is the same. Not only does this cause us to worship our awesome God but it also liberates us to be the special person God created us to be. I am different from everyone else in the world. I am free from the bondage of having to be like anyone else. You are also unique and different person. That means you don't have to measure up to anyone else"s standard for you.  Dear mother, you don't have to try to be someone else to find your identity. You don't have to mother the same as a particular mother you admire, or some rules in a book. All you have to do is to mother according to your own heart and your individual personality.  You were born to reflect a special image of God on this earth. you were born to reveal the creative love of God from your heart in a way no one else can. Pour yourself out to touch others with God's love. Don't hold back and don't deprive the world of seeing the unique hand of God upon your life. Your will find your true identity as you pursue God and pour your life out for others. The more you know God the more you'll understand who He created you to be."
WOW!! I really needed that. It is truly freeing. If your struggling with any kind of comparison, jealousy, coveting, or anything of that nature, know you don't have to. Your free to be yourself. God has a purpose for YOU and the life He gave YOU. Start embracing your life. Look around and count your blessings then be thankful. I pray this blesses you and it has me. Let's be free to be ourselves! Be blessed. 

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