Friday, May 31, 2013

Summer time and LOTS of it!

Summer is here. It's about time right? :) With the winter we had this year, a lot if us thought summer would never come. It's nice to open those windows are air out the house. The kids have time to run and get some much need energy out. It's a time of gardens, grilling and fun.

For a lot of us moms, summer time is also a time of having the kiddos home ( if you send them to school or even if you home school but take the summer off). It's a change of routine for everyone involved. How can we as moms prepare for this transition? I wrote about this briefly for my article in our ladies newsletter at church, but I wanted to expand it more here. Some of these ideas are things I actually do and some are from other moms. I hope this helps you in making this summer a wonderful one.

 Many years ago a wonderful older friend told me that every morning I need to wake up with a plan. She said " You need to take control of the day so the day doesn't take control of you!". Timely and very good words. At the time, I NEEDED to learn that. I am so thankful for the beautiful, loving spiritual mothers the Lord has blessed me with from time to time. So what does that look like? For summer, it doesn't have to be a huge planning. You don't need to jam pack your days.  Just think of something you would like to do or have the kids do through out the day then rotate through them. Playing outside for a few hours, coloring, making cookies, going for a walk, going to the library, read together,  have a Bible time. The list can be endless. Maybe you want to work lightly on a few school subjects, like reading, math or writing.This will keep them in practice and busy for a time.  When I plan my summers, I usually pick a few things to do each and everyday then try and stick to it . It makes the days move and there's no " What do we do now?' or " What do I do with all these children?".

It's a great time to teach your children about the Lord through creation. Point out some flowers and share with them how each one is different and how amazing God is in His wisdom to create such a thing. Or highlight how the beauty of a flower's scent and color is made by a Master Artist. Then tell them about Him. Use butterflies, grasshoppers, worms, what ever happens to be by you to show them how each one is unique in design and purpose. Or how God placed "instincts" into the birds to guide them in  their migration routes. Summer really is a wonderful time to teach the children about Him in ways that you can't during the winter.

The last thing I want to share with you is to not lose this time. Our children are not going to be this age for too much longer. A friend once said to me " They will never be this age again, tomorrow they will be a day older". Enjoy this time with them. I know there are days that are hard and weary. I know children can be challenging at times, but they won't be like this forever. Even in a month, they will be different. My hope is that you use this summer to enjoy them. Kiss, hug and love them everyday! Fill up their "love banks" with generous deposits of words and actions. It will fill up yours too. Spend time with them. Tell them everyday that you love them. Tell how how much they mean to you and what a blessing they are from the Lord. Share with them some positive things you see in them. I will say, "Nathan, I just love the way you ________," or, "I am so happy the Lord gave you to me because _____________". You will not regret doing any of these things. You will bond with them and they with you. That is a beautiful thing. It will give you a chance to build into their lives. Your job mothers is to love your children this summer. That's it. That's the goal. Do that and you will come to fall with a very full heart.

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